Down dreamlike fields all filled
with wondrous, passing things
Visions rise up
and bastards hold them down
Oh, to live in the green places
Lost to the time
Lost to the race
Lost to the tune
of hearts and souls suspended
I could win
or hang upon the wire
The hand that holds
the ghosts of guilt and gold
slowly closes in
Let the serpent's finger stroke my chin
Lure me with sin
And gaze where flattened greyness
fills the minds of men
December 31st 1987
Monday, 29 August 2011
First of the Fifth (Song of Isis)
Throughout the light and the trees
I'm only in the sparkle of time
Let me live, deliver me
And think no more of an end
but a big feel
Soft in hearts, no fear to disappear
Gasp! A hazy earth, clad in gauze so dear
Blowsy roses at her breast
Her hair's a mess, her heart
your Souvenier
The fifth month comes down haunting
like a troubadour
Sing what you feel,
Mean what you say,
And keep in touch, 'til sundown now
May 12th 1987
I'm only in the sparkle of time
Let me live, deliver me
And think no more of an end
but a big feel
Soft in hearts, no fear to disappear
Gasp! A hazy earth, clad in gauze so dear
Blowsy roses at her breast
Her hair's a mess, her heart
your Souvenier
The fifth month comes down haunting
like a troubadour
Sing what you feel,
Mean what you say,
And keep in touch, 'til sundown now
May 12th 1987
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Darkness frames the light
the moon your eyes
I need your eyes
I spy through leaves
wide, round, irascible
But always there
They wait like thieves
Deeper than the night you are
Fresh and ravishing, longing to be desired
pure and clean unclouded now
They stole my soul
Then sometimes your moon eyes change
Raw and churlish like a spiteful sky
Spitting venom on the bleak black earth
One moment a virgin
The next as worldly as Narcissus
Waiting to take the earth
like a summer storm
July 7th 1981
the moon your eyes
I need your eyes
I spy through leaves
wide, round, irascible
But always there
They wait like thieves
Deeper than the night you are
Fresh and ravishing, longing to be desired
pure and clean unclouded now
They stole my soul
Then sometimes your moon eyes change
Raw and churlish like a spiteful sky
Spitting venom on the bleak black earth
One moment a virgin
The next as worldly as Narcissus
Waiting to take the earth
like a summer storm
July 7th 1981
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
The Writing on the Wall
A rustic in darkish clothes passed me
Down by the delicatessen of all my spicey dreams
With hands full of stars
And eyes so familiar
I thought I'd never see life again
The delicate darlings may wait in the wings
And wait they will - it's too late
For there is a beauteous beacon of winter
Like dahlias in autumn
and breath on the pane
He's come, relentless, shattering the world
wiith a sadness supreme
A thing we cannot help but die for
It is not called love
Bath, Avon, September 10th 1986
Down by the delicatessen of all my spicey dreams
With hands full of stars
And eyes so familiar
I thought I'd never see life again
The delicate darlings may wait in the wings
And wait they will - it's too late
For there is a beauteous beacon of winter
Like dahlias in autumn
and breath on the pane
He's come, relentless, shattering the world
wiith a sadness supreme
A thing we cannot help but die for
It is not called love
Bath, Avon, September 10th 1986
The Hermit (the twin's lament)
Say it's doom, a choiceless path I'm on
Where to go, and wander off
In each direction
Fall away, debate the great
Any day we could be called
Our split mind finds an answer
And a question.
Cling and cling and cling
Another spark
Feel, the atmosphere's
a question mark
Bath, Avon, June 15th 1987
Where to go, and wander off
In each direction
Fall away, debate the great
Any day we could be called
Our split mind finds an answer
And a question.
Cling and cling and cling
Another spark
Feel, the atmosphere's
a question mark
Bath, Avon, June 15th 1987
The Plastic Rainbow
Plastic Rainbow in the Sky
The beautiful child delivered into a place called paradise
Why is it the powers that be
Think they can improve on this
God given flowers showers
An earth that supplies
Us with every prevention nutrition and cure
it's like a kiss
What God creates Satan counterfeits
and gives the power to the moneymaking scientist
What God creates Satan counterfeits
and gives the power to the moneymaking scientist
Why do they think they can improve on something so pure
From the great designer
There is nothing finer
Plastic food, plastic faces
Plastic buildings, plastic places
Plastic waste forms it’s own island in the sea
An ancient giant turtle
Was cut open recently
And the plastic in its stomach filled a
Six foot piece of plastic, completely
The world, natural
Organic and fractal
In the beginning beautiful
But they destroyed it and made it so
And if they could
They’d make a plastic rainbow
Under the Wire
On 12 December 1982, 30,000 women held hands around the 6 miles (9.7 km) perimeter of the Greenham Common Air Base, Newbury, Berkshire, in protest against the decision to site American cruise missiles there. I was there and wrote this poem afterwards. It was a momentous day, a show of what love, peace and solidarity can do - the base was closed some time later.
They moved the wisp, the frightened space
That hides behind the moon
And what they did, this shadow race
these pioneers of magic
was burst the colour
through the fence
the heavy metal chickenwire
without the aid of guns
The witches sit
they will consider
how to get the magic
over the fence
under the wire
how to keep their blackened eyes
and sprawling, ravaged
wisps of hair
away from cross-fire
The other side the cold hearts lie, uncomplicated
with never a wish the card won't provide
the soldiers hold their steely glances to the sky
For they don't see the moon
or dissenchanted birds migrating
No, they only see the space
where rockets fly.
Friday, 19 August 2011
All yours, Euphoria
A mystic astrology, soaring over Yorkshire
descended into a flesh and blood daughter
some kind of spiritual sister, still in my mind
in England's turbulent times
and stormy waters
Law, politics and social interaction
descended into a flesh and blood daughter
some kind of spiritual sister, still in my mind
in England's turbulent times
and stormy waters
Law, politics and social interaction
Was of interest but anathema
Yet she knew each tiny detail of every one of these
rules, and no insight of social or official convention
escaped her
She knew the glance of the cruellest patriarchal eye
And the judge when he condemned the pauper who was innocent
She knew the boredom and tedium of being a victorian teacher
She knew the boredom and tedium of being a victorian teacher
The longwinded religious ramblings of the nonsense of the preacher
The shame of the drunken brother
Shattered, disgraced, a life
Tormented, wasted and spent
The strife of a life that all of them led
without a mother
The strife of a life that all of them led
without a mother
And the desire to be free
on paper made her declare
the words of a rare and raw
and wild uncultivated cultivated mind
“Only a mystical lover could match my moors no man alive no no
only a man who was my landscape made incarnate
who knew how to love and who
knew how to hate my enemies
with such equal intensity
and it felt like i was him and he was me”
and it felt like i was him and he was me”
Out in the darkening grey unsympathetic storm
Know how it feels to be demonised, despised
No-one in respected and civil society
(which in reality is more savage and uncivilised)
(which in reality is more savage and uncivilised)
Could understand what it felt like to be out there
gloriously ravished and mesmerised
The ecstasy, to be unleashed
with the beautiful eyes and the form
with the beautiful eyes and the form
of the perfect gypsy
With the wind and the wild northern storm in our hearts
And the lightening and thunder and rain comes down and we’re laughing
Even if it kills you and me
Soaked to the skin without fear
Soaked to the skin without fear
With the moors in my arms
With the wind in my hair
With the rain on my face
With the rain on my face
Oh Im all yours euphoria
You broke my heart
But only the intellect
Could ever tear our heavenly souls apart
For this is how it feels
to be finally free
and truly perfect
and truly perfect
the lightening flash of that dream
of our real home
of our real home
I felt I had to write it all down
In a story and some poems
for forever
All yours, euphoria
for forever
All yours, euphoria
Emily Bronte, (British Author and Poet) - 1818-1848
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Charlie Gilmour
Hanging from a flag on the Cenotaph
Someone took a photograph
A boy with a certain poetic face
was a good excuse to make a case
for disgrace
for he is of rock royalty dynasty
in his privilege
how dare he!
But arent poets and rock stars supposed to make a stand?
Arent they the best and most romantic symbols of this land?
But arent poets and rock stars supposed to make a stand?
Arent they the best and most romantic symbols of this land?
All our nations pride was on the line
the bones and blood and death enshrined
in a monument to the glorious dead
yes, its so glorious to be dead
two entire generations of brave young men
gloriously dead
how sad, that after all of that
the Nazis havent gone away
They live!
their ethos spread to make more dead
and fight another day
They live!
their ethos spread to make more dead
and fight another day
today they're creating a third
for the royalty who would cut off your head
for saying this, two hundred years ago, absurd
if you dared speak out against their warmongering waste
their own minds cut off from conscience, reality or taste
maintaining their comfortable warlike status quo
arranging wars, well, they don't have to go
maintaining their comfortable warlike status quo
arranging wars, well, they don't have to go
to war, there's no real threat from anyone - just war as usual, war, war war
but charlie gilmour
swung a bin at the bastards
whatever whoever the son
or the situation,
(shame he missed)
or the situation,
(shame he missed)
and that takes courage
even so
Vive la revolution!
The Situationists
Vive la revolution!
The Situationists
Friday, 5 August 2011
Diamond Lights on the Water
Only A Lovely Summer Dream...summers in the woods sound of wood pigeons
purring in time like the engine of the heart so much world going on inside nature's infinitesimal and infinite magic, yes us a part of summers song or swept back in time to an olive grove dusty and hot with crickets, beat a stick in time, rhythm of the pulse or the sound of the lazy lapping sea on the beach and laying in a boat with the sparkling diamonds of light on the water the soothing swish of the sea and thousands of purple and silver fish and the sound clear mind life in the moment summer abound why cant we just be summer forever found like where love lives and laughs and the sea claps with a loud smack on the shore and recedes with a long sigh and comes back and soft skin is the minds elenin drunk on just being here, all the stars manifest into nature's
sparkling diamond lights
on the water
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Marilyn Monroe
(the very name was thus created by the gods to be a poem)
Marilyn Monroe loved poetry
(ee cummings especially)
She died 49 years ago today
and words of other's wisdom swirled around her head
until her final moments, final day
lain in bed, swirls of white sheets
with scripts of words and authors and poets beats
around her and it fed
a craving and a thrill
that maybe men and films and fame could not fulfil
in a world that only saw the physical
she understood the quark and charm, the metaphysical and quizzical
she understood the poet's art
and just like hers
it was the language of the heart
some words from ee cummings
i like to think her dreamy eyes were maybe wandering over
in a gaze in her last days...
"i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes"
'almighty God! I thank thee for my soul; & may I never die spiritually
into a mere mind
through disease of loneliness'
Marilyn Monroe (American Actress) - June 1st 1926 - August 4th 1962
Edward Estlin Cummings (American Poet) - October 14 1894 – September 3 1962
Marilyn Monroe loved poetry
(ee cummings especially)
She died 49 years ago today
and words of other's wisdom swirled around her head
until her final moments, final day
lain in bed, swirls of white sheets
with scripts of words and authors and poets beats
around her and it fed
a craving and a thrill
that maybe men and films and fame could not fulfil
in a world that only saw the physical
she understood the quark and charm, the metaphysical and quizzical
she understood the poet's art
and just like hers
it was the language of the heart
some words from ee cummings
i like to think her dreamy eyes were maybe wandering over
in a gaze in her last days...
"i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes"
'almighty God! I thank thee for my soul; & may I never die spiritually
into a mere mind
through disease of loneliness'
Marilyn Monroe (American Actress) - June 1st 1926 - August 4th 1962
Edward Estlin Cummings (American Poet) - October 14 1894 – September 3 1962
Angelic Intervention
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Monday, 1 August 2011
In the night of the human day
we live through the restless dark
of the wretched soul
where the incandescent spark
becomes the break in the dawn
in the part of the heart
which is the skylark
and the spark becomes the wings
of a bird in flight and the bird
has no memory of the endless night
just the feel of the freedom breeze as it sings
on its feathers
forever forever
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